Saturday, February 23, 2013

Blog Post #6

Wendy Drexler: The Networked StudentPersonal learning network

The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler, is a video that shows just how important technology has become as a learning tool for students. Instead of teachers giving information out of a book, students are able to get scholarly articles from web sites. Students are also able to read opinions on blogs and write their own about a topic. They can even learn by downloading audio books on their iPod's. The possibilities for learning using technology seem to be endless these days.

Will teachers even be needed with all of the networked students? My answer would be ABSOLUTELY! Students have books with all the answers in it, but do they just learn it themselves? Nope. They need guidance and direction to help steer them in the right directions. They also need help learning how to begin using this new technology to learn themselves. I do think that the role of a teacher may change some, but they will not be come extinct.

I am thankful to be learning how to use some of this technology in the course of EDM310 right now. As I did say I didn't think teachers would be come extinct, I do think some may that can't catch up and teach their students with this new technology. I hope to learn as much of it as I can now where I can pass my knowledge down to my future classes one day!


This video showed a 7th grader's science personal learning environment. I loved the fact that she could even Skype a scientist to ask him a question. That is the type of learning I think will make a huge impact on a student. Her PLE was much different mine, I think. Her's was VERY organized and seemed very easy to keep track of everything. I hope to have mine this way in the future!


  1. Baldwin County is now ephasizing the use of challenge based, project-based and problem-based learning strategies at all grade levels. These efforts are similar to the networked student's approach to learning except the approaches vary according to grade. So get ready to be a Networked Teacher!

  2. I agree technology has become a major learning tool for students. I think students must have teachers for guidance and direction also. I am so excited to learn about the ways we can use technology in our own classrooms. This is a very excited time to become a teacher. I hope that I can organize and build my PLN as well as the seventh grader in the video. I really enjoyed your blog. Congratulations on the engagement.
